It's In the Jeans
Bearden High School's Improv Team!
That's A Wrap!
The Bearden Improv Team has recently concluded this year's audition process, and we thank everyone who participated! We hope you will join us in congratulating the following individuals, and see them in our shows!
Abigail Waldroup, Ben Atkinson, Elyse Lundberg, Jacob Leon, Obed M., Olivia Knowling, and Todd Morgenegg.
Comedy, Cooperation, and Coordination
About us
It's in the Jeans is a club based out of Bearden High School that centers around improvised comedy. We practice twice a week to improve our performance and team dynamic, which we put into good use during our shows. Shows are where parents, teachers, and fellow students can come kick back, have fun, and, (hopefully), laugh like never before!